Man securing shingles on a roof.
The Blueprint Blog: Design, Build, Inspire
by Morse Precision Contracting

Roof Replacement in Florida: What You Need to Know

March 2, 2023

If you're a homeowner in Florida, you know that your roof can take a beating from the harsh weather conditions the state is known for. Strong storms, heavy rain, and intense heat can all damage your roof over time, making it essential to replace your roof when necessary. Whether you're replacing your roof due to damage or just looking to update the look of your home, it's important to understand the process and make informed decisions. In this blog post, we will discuss four key points to consider when replacing your roof in Florida.

Find a Reliable Contractor

When replacing your roof in Florida, finding a reliable contractor is essential. You want to work with a contractor who has experience working with the specific roofing material you have chosen and can ensure a successful roofing project. It's important to do your research and find a reliable contractor to ensure a successful roofing project. You can ask for referrals from friends and family, or you can search for local contractors online. Be sure to check their credentials and read reviews from previous clients to ensure that you're working with a reputable contractor. Here are some things to consider when finding a reliable contractor:

Look for experience: Choose a contractor who has experience working with the specific roofing material you have chosen. For example, if you are installing a metal roof, look for a contractor with experience in metal roofing installation.
Check credentials: Ensure the contractor is licensed, insured, and bonded. This will protect you in case of any accidents or damages during the roofing process.
Read reviews: Look for reviews online to see what other homeowners have to say about the contractor's work. A reliable contractor should have positive reviews and a good reputation in the industry.
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Choose the Right Material

Choosing the right roofing material is crucial when replacing your roof in Florida. You need to select a material that is durable enough to withstand the harsh weather conditions and can last for many years. Metal roofing is a popular choice in Florida because of its durability and longevity. Metal roofs can last up to 50-100 years with proper maintenance and are resistant to damage from high winds, heavy rain, and intense heat. Additionally, metal roofs are energy-efficient and can help lower your energy bills. Tile roofing is another popular choice in Florida because of its durability and aesthetics. Tile roofs can last up to 50 years and are available in a variety of colors and styles to match your home's design. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right roofing material:

Consider the climate: Florida's weather is characterized by high winds, rain, and intense heat. You need to choose a roofing material that can withstand these elements. For instance, metal, tile, and asphalt shingles are excellent options for Florida's climate.
Look for durability: You want a roofing material that can last for many years without the need for constant repairs. For example, metal roofs are known to be very durable, lasting for 50-100 years with proper maintenance.
Consider the cost: Different roofing materials have different price points, so it's essential to choose a material that fits your budget. While some roofing materials like metal may be more expensive than others, they are often more cost-effective in the long run because of their durability and low maintenance requirements.

Understand the Permitting Process

The permitting process can be complicated and time-consuming, but it's essential when replacing your roof in Florida. Each county and city may have different requirements for roofing permits, and it's crucial to understand the process to avoid any delays or fines. Understanding the permitting process is crucial when replacing your roof in Florida. Failure to obtain the necessary permits can result in fines or even the need to remove the new roof. By understanding the process and working with a reliable contractor who is familiar with the local requirements, you can ensure a smooth and successful roofing project. Here are some things to consider when understanding the permitting process:

Research local requirements: Research the requirements for roofing permits in your county and city. This will ensure that you understand the process and avoid any complications during the roofing project.
Understand the application process: Each county and city may have different application processes for roofing permits. It's important to understand the process and what documents are required for the permit application.
Hire a contractor who handles permits: Some roofing contractors may handle the permitting process for you, which can save you time and hassle. However, be sure to ask if this service is included and if there are any additional fees.

Planning for Costs

When choosing the right roofing material, it's also important to consider pricing. Different roofing materials have different price points, and you need to choose a material that fits your budget. It is important to choose a roofing material that fits your budget while also providing the durability and longevity you need in Florida's harsh weather conditions. By considering upfront costs, cost per square foot, and additional costs, you can make an informed decision and ensure that your new roof is a sound investment for your home's future. Here are some things to consider when it comes to pricing:

Some roofing materials may be more expensive upfront, but they may be more cost-effective in the long run due to their durability and low maintenance requirements. For example, metal roofing may have a higher upfront cost, but it can last for 50-100 years with proper maintenance, making it a more cost-effective option over time.
Cost per square foot: Some roofing materials may have a lower upfront cost but may cost more per square foot than other materials. For instance, asphalt shingles may have a lower upfront cost than metal roofing, but they may cost more per square foot over time due to their shorter lifespan and higher maintenance requirements.
Additional costs: When budgeting for your new roof, it's important to consider any additional costs, such as permits, labor, and disposal fees. These costs can add up quickly and impact your overall budget.


Replacing your roof in Florida is a significant investment in your home's value and safety. By choosing the right roofing material, finding a reliable contractor, understanding the permitting process, and planning for the future, you can ensure a successful roofing project. Whether you choose metal roofing for its durability or tile roofing for its aesthetics, be sure to do your research and work with a contractor you trust. By taking the time to make informed decisions, you can enjoy a new roof that provides protection and enhances your home's curb appeal for many years to come.

At Morse Precision Contracting, we are delighted to offer you any specific details you need to know about your home projects, big or small. You're welcome to contact us here to get your questions answered.